Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Concrete Inspection

Concrete inspection easy in tight spaces, or above-the-head survey locations with the All-in-one  complete concrete inspection tool – antenna, positioning system and control unit combo


Non-destructive means to accurately locate underground utilities and shallow geophysical characteristics in real-time


Non-destructive asphalt density assessment tools, tools for QA/QC labs, determining road pavement layers at high speeds, tools for determining condition of bridges


Ground penetrating radar (GPR) for examining the subsurface for soil contamination, underground storage tanks and drums, delineate landfills and pathways for contaminant flow and hydrogeologic investigations as water table mapping.


Geology & Geophysics

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) offers an accurate, non-destructive solution to mapping the subsurface of the earth. With GSSI GPR antennas, it is simple to locate features of interest and subsurface layers in real time, up to 100 feet or more.

Archaeology & Forensics

GSSI ground penetrating radar (GPR) for non-invasive site investigation. Whether site mapping for excavation or locating sensitive cultural resources for preservation or avoidance, GSSI’s remote sensing technologies have been the tools of choice

GS Series

Digital, wireless antenna is ideal for geophysical, geotechnical, and environmental applications that require high reliability under challenging survey conditions.

SIR Systems

High-performance GPR data acquisition systems designed to operate with analog and digital antennas, next-generation multi-channel GPR control units